Tag: valentine’s day

keyboard card

keyboard card

valentine’s day 2011 was our second as a married couple.  it was a great one…  even if i busted a candy thermometer, while attempting to make funnel cakes. we had a great time all weekend and celebrated the official day with a shrimp pasta dish.  (coming 

german chocolate cake

german chocolate cake

valentine’s day was yesterday. it was our first as a married couple! to commemorate the day, i baked my hubby a heart-shaped german chocolate cake, one of his favorite desserts. source cake 1 4 oz. package baker’s german’s sweet chocolate 1/2 c water 2 c 

chocolate covered strawberries

chocolate covered strawberries

valentine’s day is just around the corner…  here’s a sweet treat that you can make for (or with) your sweetie! 1 dozen strawberries, washed and dried 1 c white chocolate (i use almond bark) 1 1/2  c semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 tsp shortening prep your